Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I've been tagged
So my friend Terrilee has tagged me. That means that I have to write 7 random things about myself. So like my friend Lexi said "I'll see if I can come up with 7 things".
First-I love Italy. Terrilee has said that she hated the first 3 and half years here but now that she has become active in church again and picked up some really awesome friends (Lexi, Nancy, Tabi, and of course me to name a few), she is sorry that her time here is up. We will miss you but I still love Italy. I love the huge windows in my house, looking at the way that people dress here, round abouts, old crumbling down buildings, that I can go to Venice, Italy for a day trip and that my children get to experience it with me.
B-My favorite kind of store is a book store. I love stories. Happy, sad, mysterious, good guys and bad guys, when the girl saves the boy and the other way around. I love to wander through the isles and smell the paper. One of the hardest things about being here is that I don't speak, read or write Italian and guess what. That's the only kind of bookstores they have here. Thats one of the things I look forward to on our visits home.
3-I love to cook but hate to clean up afterwards. So I don't cook as much as I would like to.
quattro-I'm afraid of heights. When Sean and I went to Germany this last summer. We took a tram ride up the side of the really big mountain. I couldn't even look out the window. I laid down on the seat and closed my eyes and thought all of my "I'm going to die any minute" thoughts.
Fifth-Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's not like Christmas where we sometimes get confused on the meaning or Mother's Day that's all about one person or Memorial Day that turns into who's going to the lake and is bringing the boat and skies instead of remembering those that sacrificed for us. I like Thanksgiving because it's about everyone. About being thankful for all that we have and of course there's the food.
F-I love getting a new hair cut but I hate getting my eyebrows waxed even though I have to do both at the same time.
7-My secret wish is to have my husband plan a romantic night out for us to see a concert or play or anything that doesn't include the movie theater. Followed by dinner at a small out of the way place that all the tourist or people that he works with won't be at. Followed up by...I think I'll leave the rest up to him.
So now I'm suppose to tag 7 people but I don't know 7 people who blog that haven't already been tagged to I'll just do the best that I can.
-Becky (because I haven't heard for you in awhile)
Good luck!!!
First-I love Italy. Terrilee has said that she hated the first 3 and half years here but now that she has become active in church again and picked up some really awesome friends (Lexi, Nancy, Tabi, and of course me to name a few), she is sorry that her time here is up. We will miss you but I still love Italy. I love the huge windows in my house, looking at the way that people dress here, round abouts, old crumbling down buildings, that I can go to Venice, Italy for a day trip and that my children get to experience it with me.
B-My favorite kind of store is a book store. I love stories. Happy, sad, mysterious, good guys and bad guys, when the girl saves the boy and the other way around. I love to wander through the isles and smell the paper. One of the hardest things about being here is that I don't speak, read or write Italian and guess what. That's the only kind of bookstores they have here. Thats one of the things I look forward to on our visits home.
3-I love to cook but hate to clean up afterwards. So I don't cook as much as I would like to.
quattro-I'm afraid of heights. When Sean and I went to Germany this last summer. We took a tram ride up the side of the really big mountain. I couldn't even look out the window. I laid down on the seat and closed my eyes and thought all of my "I'm going to die any minute" thoughts.
Fifth-Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It's not like Christmas where we sometimes get confused on the meaning or Mother's Day that's all about one person or Memorial Day that turns into who's going to the lake and is bringing the boat and skies instead of remembering those that sacrificed for us. I like Thanksgiving because it's about everyone. About being thankful for all that we have and of course there's the food.
F-I love getting a new hair cut but I hate getting my eyebrows waxed even though I have to do both at the same time.
7-My secret wish is to have my husband plan a romantic night out for us to see a concert or play or anything that doesn't include the movie theater. Followed by dinner at a small out of the way place that all the tourist or people that he works with won't be at. Followed up by...I think I'll leave the rest up to him.
So now I'm suppose to tag 7 people but I don't know 7 people who blog that haven't already been tagged to I'll just do the best that I can.
-Becky (because I haven't heard for you in awhile)
Good luck!!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Dear Diary
Dear Diary,
I haven't written in awhile so today's entry might be a long one. You know that I always like to update you on what the kids are up to to I'll start with the littlest one.
Jessie is as always making me laugh. The other day she asked me what Sunday was. I said that I wasn't sure what she wanted to know and to explain further. She wanted to know if it was linger longer Sunday or fast Sunday or slow Sunday. She also just finished her soccer season. She won the season (or so she says).
The school that the kids attend started a new thing this year called GradeSpeed. It's were parents can go online and check on the kids grades at any time. The teacher update them with every assignment. This has been great for Charlie. She, of course, has all A's and M's. Of course, I don't know what the M's are but I'm sure they are great. Soccer just ended for her also and she really had a fun time. She had great coaches and happy teammates.
Gavin will be finishing Soccer this weekend. We are really happy about this. Because I don't volunteer to coach I never feel like I can complain about those who do and I'm not now. I'm just going to say that I'm happy that the season is almost over for him. Hopefully next year will be a better experience for him.
Taylor...Taylor...Taylor...I'm not sure what to say here. OH I know, she just finished cross country. She didn't qualify for Europeans but she is really looking forward to basketball starting in a few weeks. She gets herself up for seminary everyday(almost) and is anxious to get there everyday. That GradeSpeed thing that I mentioned has actually turned out to be a bonus for her. When we saw that her grades were a little low she pulled them right up. Yeah for me(or is that Yeah for her).
So Sean got another calling in church. He is the branch president. I said another calling. He didn't get released from his old calling so I think he is still the Young Mens Pres. also. He has taken up road biking here. So he still leaves for 3 or 4 hours on Saturday but it's not for golf anymore.
Speaking of church calling something sorta funny happened to me. In Feb. I was called to be the primary pres. I loved it. It was just the calling for me. Then about a month ago I was asked to be the Relief Society Pres. I said of course I would do what ever they needed me to do. The funny part is that they didn't release me from the Primary first. So for about 3 weeks I got to be President Squared. That was what our old Branch Pres. called me. Now I'm just in the RS. Wait I don't mean just I mean only. I've been crazy busy getting ready for Halloween. Making costumes, arranging a party for the kids and getting ready to visit the rest home. Oh and did I mention trick-or-treating. Maybe we'll just opt out this year. We'll see.
Thanks for listening Diary. Write more soon.
I haven't written in awhile so today's entry might be a long one. You know that I always like to update you on what the kids are up to to I'll start with the littlest one.
Jessie is as always making me laugh. The other day she asked me what Sunday was. I said that I wasn't sure what she wanted to know and to explain further. She wanted to know if it was linger longer Sunday or fast Sunday or slow Sunday. She also just finished her soccer season. She won the season (or so she says).
The school that the kids attend started a new thing this year called GradeSpeed. It's were parents can go online and check on the kids grades at any time. The teacher update them with every assignment. This has been great for Charlie. She, of course, has all A's and M's. Of course, I don't know what the M's are but I'm sure they are great. Soccer just ended for her also and she really had a fun time. She had great coaches and happy teammates.
Gavin will be finishing Soccer this weekend. We are really happy about this. Because I don't volunteer to coach I never feel like I can complain about those who do and I'm not now. I'm just going to say that I'm happy that the season is almost over for him. Hopefully next year will be a better experience for him.
Taylor...Taylor...Taylor...I'm not sure what to say here. OH I know, she just finished cross country. She didn't qualify for Europeans but she is really looking forward to basketball starting in a few weeks. She gets herself up for seminary everyday(almost) and is anxious to get there everyday. That GradeSpeed thing that I mentioned has actually turned out to be a bonus for her. When we saw that her grades were a little low she pulled them right up. Yeah for me(or is that Yeah for her).
So Sean got another calling in church. He is the branch president. I said another calling. He didn't get released from his old calling so I think he is still the Young Mens Pres. also. He has taken up road biking here. So he still leaves for 3 or 4 hours on Saturday but it's not for golf anymore.
Speaking of church calling something sorta funny happened to me. In Feb. I was called to be the primary pres. I loved it. It was just the calling for me. Then about a month ago I was asked to be the Relief Society Pres. I said of course I would do what ever they needed me to do. The funny part is that they didn't release me from the Primary first. So for about 3 weeks I got to be President Squared. That was what our old Branch Pres. called me. Now I'm just in the RS. Wait I don't mean just I mean only. I've been crazy busy getting ready for Halloween. Making costumes, arranging a party for the kids and getting ready to visit the rest home. Oh and did I mention trick-or-treating. Maybe we'll just opt out this year. We'll see.
Thanks for listening Diary. Write more soon.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Taylor on the run
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Camp Darby
We went to Camp Darby last weekend. Some of our friends went with us. Lexi and Dave Higbee with their kids Haylee, Trent, Logan and Laycee. Chad and Terrilee with their kids Kirra and Christian. We went to several places such as Pisa, Florence and Lucca. But we spent the most time at the beach. I didn't get very many pictures at the beach but I hope that you enjoy posts that I have added today.
One night in Pisa
One night while we were camping at Camp Darby we went into Pisa to solve the mystery of the leaning tower. And to our surprise with so many people trying to hold it up, it still leans to this day.
Firenze aka Florence
This is a great view of Florence. So Sean was having problems operating the camera, this picture is black and white with color accents. I'm just not sure of the colors.
One month ago
So when I logged on to add something today I realized that it has been exactly one month since I put something new on. I have been getting the riot act from all sides. I decided that with the kids out of school and Sean coming home and then being on leave that I just haven't gotten into the swing of it again. So I'm going to post a little today but then don't be surprised if I disappear for a few more weeks. Sean goes back to work and the kids go back to school the last week of the month. So look for more after Labor Day Weekend. Enjoy.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I've been away
Okay, maybe to say that I've been away is a small exaggeration. Really I've just been lazy and haven't updated my blog. However, now I have a reasonable excuse. And yes I realize they are all just excuses. So I had to bring Gavin up to Germany to see the doctor at the last minute. I don't think that I've ever had to fly to a doctors appointment before. Just so you know that I'm not still ignoring you all I'm post when I get home from our trip.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
First Day of Swimming
It's Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend and the kids wanted to be the first in the pool. It's been raining on and off for several weeks. I guess we got lucky on Saturday with no rain.
Charlie and her other half aka Rachel.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Charlies Trip to Bolca
Charlie's class went on a field trip on Monday and I got to go with her. Let me tell you it was great. We went to Bolca where they have an archaeological site. We got to look for fossils. When we met at the school the parent volunteers got assigned a group of kids. So Charlie picked her friend Rachel and the three of us had a good time. This is Charlie and Rachel on our 1 hour bus ride.
My Mothers Day
Picnic at the Park
We went to the park with members from our branch after church for a picnic.
This kids played horse shoes, frisbee and soccer. Also they chased the birds and watched the turtles. And of course the eat a lot.
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