One night while we were camping at Camp Darby we went into Pisa to solve the mystery of the leaning tower. And to our surprise with so many people trying to hold it up, it still leans to this day.

After we took our turn holding up the tower we needed to get some refreshment. So we stopped for some gelato. Sean and Chad really enjoyed theirs on a cone.

We lined up the kids so that we didn't lose any to the night. First Kirra, then Jessie, followed by Trent, Charlie, Haylee, Gavin, Christian, Laycee, Logan and Lexi on the end to keep them from escaping. Dave and Taylor stood guard.

After we were fortified with our gelato we decided to take a stroll down by the famous Arno River. However, our friend Terrilee decided to do a pole dance and she even made a buck. LOL ( the payee is her husband, Chad).

This is us on a bridge that spans the river.

This is what it looks like at night. On the far right side of the picture is a church that we wanted to look at up close. The last time that we were in Pisa I was amazed by the craftsmanship that went in to building it. However, the lighting was so bad that we couldn't get any really good pictures of it at night. Oh well, maybe next time.

All in all, our second visit to Pisa was as fantastic as the first time. Even better because we got to see it with friends.