Thursday, January 1, 2009

Making Cookies and Caroling

We have a tradition that we make cookies and other treats for our friends and neighbors at Christmas time. I think that I made about a million cookies this year. Then we like to deliver them and sing a little Christmas carol. Now when I say "little" I mean little. We are what you would call a one hit wonder. We only sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas. But we love that we can do this for those close to us.

This is some of our Italian friends, Silvia and Naomi. They really liked the singing and later reported loving the fudge.
Buba is visiting us this year for Christmas and the New Year. So we dragged her along with us and our friends the Higbee's. It might look like it's snowing or raining but it was so foggy that the flash from the camera did this. It just makes me laugh. We had a great time. Can't wait till next year.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

this was fun and i think the fog picture was funny lol