Monday, April 7, 2008

The Rialto Bridge

You know when you are playing tourist and you ask someone else to get a picture of you and then you do the same for them. Well it always seems to me that it is always the busiest place. So this is us on the top of the Rialto Bridge with the Grand Canal in the background even though you can't really see them.Taylor, Gavin and Charlie on the bridge. Jessie wouldn't stay up there without me and I couldn't figure out how to get the picture and be on the bridge with Jessie also.

This is Jessie and Charlie looking through the bridge at the canal.

This is Jessie's other end.

In the middle of the bridge there are shops and steps in the the middle of the shops. Taylor and Charlie totally look posed (like they would rather be somewhere else). Jessie...well...I'm not sure, maybe a scary face. And Gavin really did want to be somewhere else.

This was a little shop down the hill from the bridge. All the little things on the wall moved like tick tock.

Outside the store was this pinoccio doll. Jessie had to get her picture with it.

Then Charlie had to.

And of course so did Gavin.

But not Taylor.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

What a cute store. Dang, looking at your pictures, I wish we would have stayed longer. Was the walk very long to Rialto?